
Congressman Elijah Cummings discusses UMBC’s research leadership and commitment to Baltimore during campus visit

Faculty speak about UMBC’s well-rounded research portfolio and focus in on research strengths in physics, geosciences, space science, and bioengineering; students share career goals and experiences working with local communities. Continue Reading Congressman Elijah Cummings discusses UMBC’s research leadership and commitment to Baltimore during campus visit

Hassan Omar becomes UMBC’s first cross country All-American

UMBC’S Hassan Omar ’16, mechanical engineering, concluded a phenomenal cross country career with the Retrievers by finishing 27th at the NCAA Championships on Saturday,  November 21. Omar is an exemplary scholar-athlete — a Meyerhoff Scholar recognized as an All-Academic runner, who is now UMBC’s first cross country runner to be named an All-American. UMBC Athletics reports that Omar completed the 10k course in a time of 30:16, besting his NCAA Mid-Atlantic Regionals time by 31 seconds. His NCAA Championship time is a new UMBC record, breaking the previous record Omar set in 2013. This achievement is the latest in a long list of accomplishments throughout his cross… Continue Reading Hassan Omar becomes UMBC’s first cross country All-American

Anne Spence, Mechanical Engineering, Shares Passion for Mentoring with CBS Baltimore

When Anne Spence, mechanical engineering, began her undergraduate studies in engineering, she noticed that a number of fellow female students dropped out of the program before graduation. She wondered if a female professor might have made a difference and decided to dedicate her career to serving as a role model for young women. In an interview with CBS Baltimore earlier this month, Spence shared her passion for the recruitment, training, and retention of engineering majors. “Here at UMBC, we are training almost 300 teachers each year to teach engineering in elementary, middle and high school,” Spence said. “We believe that… Continue Reading Anne Spence, Mechanical Engineering, Shares Passion for Mentoring with CBS Baltimore

V-LINC Honors Department of Mechanical Engineering for “Partnership of the Year”

On April 30, V-LINC honored UMBC’s department of mechanical engineering at their annual volunteer recognition event at the Cylburn Arboretum and Botanical Gardens. V-LINC is a Baltimore-based non-profit organization that connects engineers and people with disabilities to create technological solutions to improve participants’ independence and quality of life. The mechanical engineering department received V-LINC’s “Partnership of the Year” honor. Professor of the Practice Neil Rothman, mechanical engineering, accepted the award on behalf of the department. Rothman has worked with student teams to design innovative solutions for V-LINC clients, including an adaptive swing, interchangeable tool, squeeze machine, and elliptical machine. UMBC was one… Continue Reading V-LINC Honors Department of Mechanical Engineering for “Partnership of the Year”

Carlos Romero-Talamas Receives DARPA Young Faculty Award

Carlos Romero-Talamas, a professor in the UMBC Department of Mechanical Engineering, has been recognized with a DARPA Young Faculty Award (YFA) for his research in computational models of nuclear fusion technology. Read more about the research

Anne Spence, Mech. Engineering, to Participate in Rep. Cummings’ Roundtable Discussion

Anne Spence, mechanical engineering, will participate in a roundtable discussion hosted by Congressman Elijah Cummings. The panel is part of a Congressional initiative to learn about issues women educators encounter in building and sustaining economic security. The discussion will also focus on strategies to increase the number of women pursuing STEM fields. Spence has conducted extensive research on engineering education and seeks to identify best practices for educating teachers and engaging students. The discussion will take place on August 13 from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the University of Maryland Biotech Park Conference Center. Click here to learn more… Continue Reading Anne Spence, Mech. Engineering, to Participate in Rep. Cummings’ Roundtable Discussion

Panos Charalambides, Mechanical Engineering, on “Midday With Dan Rodricks”

Panos Charalambides, mechanical engineering, was a guest on Midday with Dan Rodricks for the WYPR  program’s weekly news review hour, broadcast on November 16. Charalambides spoke in regards to the recent troubles of the Baltimore region’s infrastructure, with a number of major water main breakages in the wake of Hurricane Sandy. The issue isn’t  a problem just for Charm City, but has been a concern in recent years across the country.

Can You Solve President Hrabowski’s Favorite Math Problem?

The Imaging Research Center (IRC) recently filmed several faculty as they attempted to solve President Hrabowski’s favorite math problem. As told to Nagaraj Neerchal and Manil Suri, mathematics and statistics, and Anne Spence, mechanical engineering, the problem is as follows: 29 children are in a class. 20 have dogs. 15 have cats. How many have both a dog and a cat? Watch the video below to see the various methods and strategies used by the professors to answer the problem. [vimeo 45245451 w=500 h=281] UMBC Professors Solve F. Hrabowski’s Favorite Math Problem from ircumbc on Vimeo.

Mechanical Engineering Faculty Member, Marc Zupan, Named Fulbright Scholar

Marc Zupan an associate professor in the department of mechanical engineering has been named a Fulbright Scholar, 2012-2013, to teach and conduct research at the Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto (FEUP), Portugal. According to the program’s web site, “The Fulbright program is the flagship international educational exchange program sponsored by the US government.” The goal of the Fulbright program is, “to increase mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other countries.” The majority of the funding comes from an annual appropriation made by the U.S. Congress to the U.S. Department of State,… Continue Reading Mechanical Engineering Faculty Member, Marc Zupan, Named Fulbright Scholar

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