
Social Science Faculty Gindling, Mandell, Norris and Hussey in Post-Election News

In the wake of Maryland’s vote for Question 4, UMBC professors T.H. Gindling (economics) and Marvin Mandell (public policy) recently discussed their study, “Private and Government Fiscal Costs and Benefits of the Maryland Dream Act” on NBC Washington news. Their interview highlights the net positive economic impact that each incoming class of undocumented students would have, due to factors such as decreased incarceration rates (and thus lower incarceration costs) for college versus high school graduates. Donald F. Norris, professor and chairman of UMBC’s Department of Public Policy, commented on Maryland’s passage of both Question 6 (approving same-sex marriage rights) and Question… Continue Reading Social Science Faculty Gindling, Mandell, Norris and Hussey in Post-Election News

UMBC Study on Economic Impact of Dream Act in National Press Following Vote

On Tuesday, Nov. 6, Marylanders voted to extend in-county/in-state tuition at local community colleges and public universities to undocumented immigrants who graduate from Maryland high schools and meet other requirements. Press following the 59% to 41% Maryland Dream Act victory have cited a recent study on the Dream Act’s economic impacts by UMBC’s T.H. Gindling (economics) and Marvin Mandell (public policy). Their study concludes, “the Dream Act would generate $66 million in economic activity for each incoming new class of undocumented students.” See the website of UMBC’s Maryland Institute for Policy Analysis and Research (MIPAR) for the original working paper:… Continue Reading UMBC Study on Economic Impact of Dream Act in National Press Following Vote

UMBC Study on Economic Impact of Dream Act in TIME

Maryland voters will soon decide whether to allow undocumented immigrants who graduate from Maryland high schools and meet other requirements to pay in-county/in-state tuition at local community colleges and public universities. A recent study on the Dream Act’s economic impacts by UMBC professors T.H. Gindling (economics) and Marvin Mandell (public policy) has received significant media attention and today appeared on TIME magazine‘s online coverage of the referendum. TIME notes that Gindling and Mandell’s study concludes, “the Dream Act would generate $66 million in economic activity for each incoming new class of undocumented students.” See the website of UMBC’s Maryland Institute… Continue Reading UMBC Study on Economic Impact of Dream Act in TIME

School Board Candidate David Murray ’14, Economics, in the Gazette

Today’s Gazette highlights the Prince George’s County Board of Education race between District 1 candidates David H. Murray ’14, economics, and Zabrina Epps, CCBC academic adviser. Murray told the Gazette, “One of most important things we have to do is try to recruit the most effective teachers we can.” He supports an external audit on the school system’s operating budget, to redirect funds toward increasing teacher pay. As one of three candidates in Prince George’s County who are currently university students, Murray argues that his age and familiarity with the school system as an alumnus afford him an important perspective… Continue Reading School Board Candidate David Murray ’14, Economics, in the Gazette

UMBC Study on Economic Impact of Dream Act in Washington Post, Baltimore Sun, WYPR

In one month Maryland voters will decide whether to allow undocumented immigrants who graduate from Maryland high schools and meet other requirements to pay in-county/in-state tuition at local community colleges and public universities. Until now, voters had little information to go on about the Dream Act’s likely effects, but a new report from UMBC professors T.H. Gindling (economics) and Marvin Mandell (public policy) offers hard data on its economic impacts. “Private and Government Fiscal Costs and Benefits of the Maryland Dream Act” is a working paper funded by the Maryland Institute for Policy Analysis and Research (MIPAR) at UMBC. The… Continue Reading UMBC Study on Economic Impact of Dream Act in Washington Post, Baltimore Sun, WYPR

David Murray, Student and Candidate, in Explore Howard

David H. Murray ’14, economics, is hard at work campaigning for a seat on the Prince George’s County Board of Education, reports The Baltimore Sun‘s Explore Howard, and his chances look good. Murray is speaking with as many voters as he can before the election, commenting, “Any time I’m not in school, I’m rushing back here to talk to people.” Next week he will participate in a forum sponsored by the Prince George’s County branches of the League of Women Voters and NAACP, alongside candidate Zabrina Epps. Murray was the front-runner in the April 2012 primary, garnering 56% of the… Continue Reading David Murray, Student and Candidate, in Explore Howard

Dennis Coates, Economics, in the Baltimore Sun

According to today’s Baltimore Sun, a spokesperson the mayor’s office has stated that Baltimore will not commission an economic impact study of this year’s Grand Prix. The official, Ryan O’Doherty, noted that a 2011 study of the race “confirmed what we know is an undisputed fact and that is the event has a significant positive economic impact,” but not everyone is convinced, including UMBC economics professor Dennis Coates. Coates conducted an economic impact study on the 2011 Grand Prix, based on surveys of race-goers, that showed less positive figures than reported by the mayor’s office. Responding to O’Doherty’s statement Coates remarked, “They… Continue Reading Dennis Coates, Economics, in the Baltimore Sun

Edward Burroughs III ’15, and David Murray ’14, in The Washington Post

UMBC students Edward Burroughs III ’15, education policy and political science, and David Murray ’14, economics, were featured this week in a Washington Post article: “Three college students running for school board in Prince George’s County.” The piece focuses on Burroughs, Murray and College Park student Raahela Ahmed as they prepare for the November election. Of the three, Burroughs is the only incumbent, having become Maryland’s youngest elected official in 2010. Regarding his candidacy, Burroughs commented, “I love this county and I truly believe our school system can do better and must be better.” Murray spoke of the role his UMBC… Continue Reading Edward Burroughs III ’15, and David Murray ’14, in The Washington Post

Bryan Kelly ’92, Economics, Wins Re-Election to Harford CC Board of Trustees

Alumnus Bryan Kelly ’92, economics, won reelection as Chair of the Harford Community College Board of Trustees, according to local news website The Dagger. Kelly, who is also managing partner and owner of The Kelly Group, has served on the board since 2005 and is also co-chair of the Board of Directors of the UMBC Economics Visitors Council. Other current positions include President of the Maryland Association of Community Colleges; the chairman of the board of the Academy of Finance, Harford County Public Schools; and membership of the Harford Leadership Academy Alumni Association at Harford Community College. He was named the 2007 UMBC Economics Alumnus… Continue Reading Bryan Kelly ’92, Economics, Wins Re-Election to Harford CC Board of Trustees

Public Higher Education Tuition and Enrollment: Lecture by Dave Marcotte (2/10)

Dave Marcotte, UMBC public policy professor and graduate program director, will present the inaugural lecture in this semester’s Research Seminar Seminar Series in Public Policy and Economics this Friday, February 10, at noon in PUP 438.Marcotte’s talk is titled “Public Higher Education Tuition and Enrollment.” His writing on higher education, school closings and test scores has appeared in both academic journals and popular press, such as  the Washington Post, Christian Science Monitor, Wall Street Journal, Baltimore Sun, Education Week and Inside Higher Education.Additional series speakers this semester include Tara Watson, Williams College (3/9), Tom Vicino, Northeastern University (3/30); Jim Bessen,… Continue Reading Public Higher Education Tuition and Enrollment: Lecture by Dave Marcotte (2/10)

Douglas Lamdin, Economics, Edits Book

Douglas Lamdin, professor of economics, has edited a book entitled, “Consumer Knowledge and Financial Decisions”. More information on the book can be found on the publisher’s website.

Dennis Coates, Economics, in the News

The economic impact of the 2011 Baltimore Grand Prix was “vastly smaller than the projections by the events promoter,” UMBC economics professor Dennis Coates asserts in a newly released study (pdf), coauthoed with Michael Friedman of the University of Maryland. They estimate attendee spending as closer to $25 million than the anticipated $70 million and argue, “The bottom line is that the Baltimore Grand Prix was not a game changing event.” After appearing on the front page of the Baltimore Sun and in the Baltimore Business Journal, the story was picked up by AP and printed in the Washington Post.… Continue Reading Dennis Coates, Economics, in the News

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