Computer science

Adventures in Invention: Eric Conn '85

Eric Conn doesn’t exactly have a traditional career. Then again, he was never a traditional student. Between switching majors several times and taking a few years off from college to play in a rock band, it took Conn nearly seven years to finish school. However, he has never regretted his decision to take a non-traditional path. In fact, it is Conn’s adventurous edge that has allowed the 1985 computer science major to prosper as an inventor and entrepreneur. His latest project, – a social networking site that allows users to e-mail photos from their cell phones to a real-time… Continue Reading Adventures in Invention: Eric Conn '85

A Natural Progression: Rithy Chhay '02

Only four short years have passed since Rithy Chhay graduated from UMBC, but he is already on the fast track to success. At just 26 years old, the computer science grad is a senior software engineer with Red Arch Solutions, a software and systems engineering firm in Columbia, Md. He’s a young husband, as well, and one of the core members of the recently re-energized Chapter of Young Alumni steering committee. Then again, Chhay has been ahead of the game for most of his life, as least where computer science is concerned. “I started writing my own computer programs when… Continue Reading A Natural Progression: Rithy Chhay '02

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