Computer science

Outstanding Alumna: Dr. Claudia Pearce ’89

Over the next few weeks we’ll be introducing you to this year’s Alumni Award winners. The UMBC Alumni Association proudly honors distinguished alumni and faculty for their accomplishments and dedication to UMBC. Today we’re talking with Dr. Claudia Pearce ‘89, computer science, about her career working with the NSA as Senior Computer Science Authority. Name: Dr. Claudia Pearce ’89 M.S., ’94 Ph.D., computer science Job Title: Senior Computer Science Authority, NSA Award Category: Engineering and Information Technology Q: Why did you choose to attend UMBC? I chose UMBC because of the quality of the computer science program and its central Maryland… Continue Reading Outstanding Alumna: Dr. Claudia Pearce ’89

Outstanding Alumna: Dr. Claudia Pearce '89

Over the next few weeks we’ll be introducing you to this year’s Alumni Award winners. The UMBC Alumni Association proudly honors distinguished alumni and faculty for their accomplishments and dedication to UMBC. Today we’re talking with Dr. Claudia Pearce ‘89, computer science, about her career working with the NSA as Senior Computer Science Authority. Name: Dr. Claudia Pearce ’89 M.S., ’94 Ph.D., computer science Job Title: Senior Computer Science Authority, NSA Award Category: Engineering and Information Technology Q: Why did you choose to attend UMBC? I chose UMBC because of the quality of the computer science program and its central Maryland… Continue Reading Outstanding Alumna: Dr. Claudia Pearce '89

Student Scholarship Q&A: Jonathon Brewster, computer science

Every so often, we highlight the importance of student scholarships by introducing you to the very students they help to succeed. Today, we’re featuring Jonathon Brewster ‘15, computer science, who is an Alumni Association Scholarship recipient. Name: Jonathon Brewster Major: Computer Science Extra Curricular Activities: Assistant Scoutmaster for Troop 355 Scholarship received: Alumni Association Scholarship Q: Why did you decide to attend UMBC? I decided to attend UMBC because of UMBC’s reputation for having one of the best STEM programs. I had discovered this because my brother, who also attended UMBC, had told me about these programs and how UMBC… Continue Reading Student Scholarship Q&A: Jonathon Brewster, computer science

Career Q&A: Roberta Sabin ’90 Ph.D., computer science

Every so often, we’ll chat with an alum about what they do and how they got there. Today we’re talking with Roberta Sabin ‘90 Ph.D., computer science, about her career as a professor and her recent teaching excursion to Malawi on a Fulbright Scholar grant. Name: Roberta Sabin ’90 Ph.D., computer science Job Title: Professor Emerita of Computer Science at Loyola; Fulbright Scholar Q: You were the first woman to graduate from UMBC with a Ph.D. in computer science. What did that feel like? A: It was great, and it’s something I’m really proud of. It was an effort of myself… Continue Reading Career Q&A: Roberta Sabin ’90 Ph.D., computer science

Retrievers Represent UMBC in the Women in Cybersecurity Conference

During the past school year, several UMBC students traveled to Nashville, Tennessee to partake in the first-ever Women in Cybersecurity Conference. Thanks to our wonderful donors, Emily Scheerer ’14, computer science; Christina Malliakos ’14, computer science; Emily McMurray ’14, computer science; and Ruth Coradin ’16, computer science and applied linguistics, were able to receive supplementary funding for their trip out west. The money was raised through a crowd-funded project undertaken by the Center for Women in Technology (CWIT). When the need for additional funding arose, CWIT reached out to its alumni and friends and rallied community support to ensure that the students would be able to… Continue Reading Retrievers Represent UMBC in the Women in Cybersecurity Conference

Alums in the News: Quipeles, Richardson, McMullen, Steininger

Congratulations to these UMBC alums whose accomplishments have been recognized both inside and outside of UMBC. Take a moment to read what they have been up to! The Kennedy Center recently hosted a benefit performance called “After the Storm” in support of the survivors of typhoon Haiyan, the strongest recorded typhoon to ever hit the Philippines. Gretchen Quipeles ‘14, health administration and public policy, attended the event and praised its success. “It’s exciting to see the Filipino community come together in that one room seeing a great act, raising money for typhoon Haiyan,” she told Read the full story… Continue Reading Alums in the News: Quipeles, Richardson, McMullen, Steininger

Round-Up: UMBC In the News 6/27

One of the things that makes UMBC great is how wonderful our alumni, students, faculty, and staff are. Because of these amazing people, UMBC often finds itself “in the news,” so each week, we’ll be sharing with you a round-up of the most newsworthy achievements from our community. UMBC Swimming and Diving’s Andrew McKissick Featured in Sports Illustrated Casey Cathrall Named UMBC’s New Director of Strength and Conditioning Lemuel Sun ’15, Computer Science, in U.S. News UMBC and Japan’s Kyushu University Establish Partnership Read more great news about the UMBC community here!

Jon and Shawn Squire: A Family Duo at UMBC

For most of us, sitting down to dinner with our family is an expected and even enjoyable part of everyday life. The idea of sitting down next to them in the classroom, however, is probably something we’d find a bit more foreign — perhaps in some cases, even cringe-inducing. But that scenario is one that alumni and professors Jon Squire ‘96, M.S., Computer Science, and Shawn Squire ‘12, Computer Science, have experienced — and enjoyed — time and again here on UMBC’s campus. That’s because, for the Squire family, education is as much a family affair as the evening meal.… Continue Reading Jon and Shawn Squire: A Family Duo at UMBC

Grigoryan ’02, CompSci/BioChem, Teaching at Dartmouth

A Computational Biologist and Dartmouth professor, Alumnus Gevorg Grigoryan says his undergraduate research at UMBC was crucial to his success. Kids typically see college as a chance to get away from their parents. That wasn’t the case with alumnus Gevorg Grigoryan ’02, Computer Science and Biochemistry, who did research with his dad in UMBC’s Computational Photonics Lab as an undergraduate. In 2000, the pair co-authored a paper proposing a new visualization technique for wave transmissions that uses color to represent amplitude and phase information. Now an assistant professor of Computer Science and an adjunct assistant professor of Biology at Dartmouth… Continue Reading Grigoryan ’02, CompSci/BioChem, Teaching at Dartmouth

The New Language of Software: Loren Siebert ’93

When many people have some extra time to spare, they might think about collecting coins, painting model airplanes, or even trying to write the great American novel. When Loren Siebert ’93, computer science, took up a hobby, though, he decided to learn one of the hardest languages around – Arabic. The first UMBC graduate to earn the prestigious Marshall Scholarship, Siebert recently developed a software, LinguaStep, that will be used to aid in instruction of the Arabic language programs at over 30 different universities. Indeed, this San Francisco resident has made a very grand entrance into the world of software… Continue Reading The New Language of Software: Loren Siebert ’93

The New Language of Software: Loren Siebert '93

When many people have some extra time to spare, they might think about collecting coins, painting model airplanes, or even trying to write the great American novel. When Loren Siebert ’93, computer science, took up a hobby, though, he decided to learn one of the hardest languages around – Arabic. The first UMBC graduate to earn the prestigious Marshall Scholarship, Siebert recently developed a software, LinguaStep, that will be used to aid in instruction of the Arabic language programs at over 30 different universities. Indeed, this San Francisco resident has made a very grand entrance into the world of software… Continue Reading The New Language of Software: Loren Siebert '93

Adventures in Invention: Eric Conn ’85

Eric Conn doesn’t exactly have a traditional career. Then again, he was never a traditional student. Between switching majors several times and taking a few years off from college to play in a rock band, it took Conn nearly seven years to finish school. However, he has never regretted his decision to take a non-traditional path. In fact, it is Conn’s adventurous edge that has allowed the 1985 computer science major to prosper as an inventor and entrepreneur. His latest project, – a social networking site that allows users to e-mail photos from their cell phones to a real-time… Continue Reading Adventures in Invention: Eric Conn ’85

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