Bahama Oriole Project team awarded NSF grant to offer more UMBC undergrads international research experiences

“Being on the Bahama Oriole Project was my first hands-on glimpse at international research,” Matthew Kane ’19 says. “It was the first time I had seen scientists from two different countries collaborating on a conservation project on this scale.” Continue Reading Bahama Oriole Project team awarded NSF grant to offer more UMBC undergrads international research experiences

UMBC among the best universities in the world in 2019 U.S. News global ranking

UMBC performed well in several notable areas, including regional research reputation, international collaboration, and the percentage of faculty papers that are among the top 1 percent most cited. UMBC also received acclaim on two “subject lists,” as a global leader in geosciences and space science. Continue Reading UMBC among the best universities in the world in 2019 U.S. News global ranking

UMBC welcomes Dana Bradley as new dean of the Erickson School for Aging Studies

Bradley believes “This is a world where engineers, designers, coders, visual artists, musicians, writers, mathematicians, economists—you name it—they are all needed to design living, working, and transportation spaces that are responsive to how humans age. This is a collective question that needs answers from all fields.” Continue Reading UMBC welcomes Dana Bradley as new dean of the Erickson School for Aging Studies

NSF grants UMBC and community college partners $1.4M to innovate science education

At its core, this partnership and others “are about building relationships, better communication, and building a community that benefits the students, the faculty, and the institutions,” Dean Bill LaCourse says. “The idea is to make a bigger tent, and not work as two institutions, but as one.” Continue Reading NSF grants UMBC and community college partners $1.4M to innovate science education

UMBC and community colleges collaborate to boost transfer student success in STEM

“I was really interested in looking at transfer from an asset-based perspective,” says UMBC’s Sarah Jewett. “Transfer students bring so many experiences and talents to this campus, just like every other student, and I think those strengths need to be recognized and tapped.” Continue Reading UMBC and community colleges collaborate to boost transfer student success in STEM

Third annual UMBC GRIT-X talks highlight thought-provoking ideas, experiences, and discoveries

Artists, scientists, and social change agents from across UMBC presented the third annual GRIT-X talks on October 13, sharing their ideas and perspectives on stage in UMBC’s Dance Cube. “All our talks gave a different facet, a different beam of light, on what we do at UMBC,” said Vice President for Research Karl Steiner, who spearheaded the event. Continue Reading Third annual UMBC GRIT-X talks highlight thought-provoking ideas, experiences, and discoveries

UMBC researchers develop new method to address deep-seated biases in science, starting with birds

“We’re really hoping this new method is going to address some issues with what kinds of data get published,” says Evangeline Rose, first author on a new paper. This paper “is part of an amazing drumbeat that’s building up in the scientific community,” Kevin Omland says. “There’s a broader problem with the scientific method that’s being increasingly acknowledged, and the test we’ve developed can at least play a small role, and I hope a big role, in addressing it.” Continue Reading UMBC researchers develop new method to address deep-seated biases in science, starting with birds

UMBC’s Sebastian Deffner receives FQXi support for pioneering work to define laws of the universe

On the heels of a pioneering paper earlier this year, Deffner is off and running to help generate “a better, more concise understanding of the universe,” he says. He recognizes, however, that the journey will be a marathon, not a sprint. While it may take decades to complete this work, Deffner says, “Sometimes you have to take a risk and follow the dream.” Continue Reading UMBC’s Sebastian Deffner receives FQXi support for pioneering work to define laws of the universe

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