
Undergradaute valedictorian Linda Wiratan addresses her classments at spring commencement 2019.

It’s Not a Goodbye, It’s a “See You Later”

Commencement 2019—around 2,000 brilliant graduates destined to change the world, droves of mentors whose support made everything possible, and one tornado warning that tried to rain on our parade. But as is the UMBC way, we weathered the storm. This year’s spring commencement exercises featured memorable special guests. Distinguished speakers included Baltimore County Executive John A. Olszewski, Jr., Ph.D. ’17, public policy; Baltimore Symphony Orchestra Music Director Marin Alsop, and National Institute on Drug Abuse Director Nora Volkow. And don’t forget a special appearance by the world’s most photogenic service dog, Chief. The Class of 2019 is remarkable in so… Continue Reading It’s Not a Goodbye, It’s a “See You Later”

Woman conducts an orchestra, hands outstretched

Leaders in public service, music, and addiction research to address UMBC’s Class of 2019

At UMBC’s upcoming commencement ceremonies, students and their families and supporters will hear from three distinguished speakers recognized as leaders in their different fields. They include a UMBC alumnus recently elected county executive, the first woman conductor of a major American orchestra, and one of the world’s top addiction researchers. Continue Reading Leaders in public service, music, and addiction research to address UMBC’s Class of 2019

Women wearing protective clothing works in a lab with faculty mentors blurred in the foreground.

UMBC’s Meyerhoff Scholars model heads to UC Berkeley and UCSD through a $6.9M investment from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative

“It is truly thrilling to think about the national and global impact the Meyerhoff Scholars Program will have through partnerships like this,” says UMBC’s Michael Summers. “By working together we can help shape the future of our national Ph.D. pipeline, with inclusive excellence as a core shared value of our work.” Continue Reading UMBC’s Meyerhoff Scholars model heads to UC Berkeley and UCSD through a $6.9M investment from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative

Mimi Dietrich '70 sewing

Stitching Her Story

This March 23, in celebration of Maryland Day, the Maryland Historical Society will launch a year-long retrospective of alumna Mimi Dietrich’s work at its Baltimore headquarters. Titled “Hometown Girl,” the show dives deep into her decades-long quilting career. Continue Reading Stitching Her Story

The Joy of Giving

On UMBC’s second annual Giving Day last week, campus and social media buzzed with creative call-outs and challenges for 1,000 donors to participate in the 24-hour window. Mama’s Boys, True Grit, and other student-led entertainment drew a crowd to Main Street where the festivities celebrated the ongoing gifts rolling in, while different departments and athletic teams took to Twitter to playfully compete with each other, using car karaoke and other incentives to spur on supporters. In typical UMBC fashion, students, staff, and alumni rallied to go well beyond the goal and by midnight, 1,554 donors had raised $106,906 to support… Continue Reading The Joy of Giving

Looking ahead to UMBC Giving Day—shining a spotlight on ways to make a difference

At midnight on Thursday, February 28, UMBC Giving Day will officially begin, kicking off the university’s second annual 24-hour marathon of giving. The goal: for as many UMBC alumni, friends, faculty, staff, and students as possible to make a gift, supporting UMBC students and projects. UMBC is relying on Retriever Nation to make the 1,000 donor goal a reality. Continue Reading Looking ahead to UMBC Giving Day—shining a spotlight on ways to make a difference

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