Robert Deluty, Graduate School, Publishes His 40th Book

Published: Feb 28, 2013

Robert Deluty, associate dean of the graduate school, has published a new volume of poetry, The Knife and the Pumpkin.  In his review, Ronald Pies writes:

“Robert Deluty’s latest collection of poems takes its title from an intriguing comment by the novelist, Simone Schwarz-Bart: ‘Only the knife knows what goes on in the heart of a pumpkin.’ Physicians and therapists might be put in mind of a kindred statement by Sophocles: ‘A wise doctor does not mutter incantations over a sore that needs the knife.’ Both sayings teach us that, sometimes, there is no avoiding pain in getting to the heart of the matter. Deluty’s wonderful new collection understands this well. And yet, as always with Deluty’s poems, there is the saving grace of the poet’s ironic humor and deep human sympathy — deflecting the knife blade when it would do more harm than good.”

The Knife and the Pumpkin, as well as all of Dr. Deluty’s books, may be purchased at the UMBC Bookstore.

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