Paul Smith, Chemistry, in The Baltimore Sun

Published: Jul 24, 2014

The Baltimore Sun reported on the Mid-Atlantic Nanonscience Education Hub internship program, which allows students from the Community College of Baltimore County (CCBC) to participate in nanoscience and nanotechnology internships at UMBC, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Morgan State University and the Fab Lab in Catonsville.

Paul Smith, associate professor of chemistry, coordinates the internship program, which offers students exposure to a four-year institution, research experience and improved job prospects. “Part of our mission as a state institution is to promote education and to provide opportunities for students for better employment,” he said. “Certainly we also have an obligation as a Maryland state institution to do anything we can to help improve the economy if we can.”

Several CCBC students who are participating in the program will attend UMBC in the fall.

Click here to read the article in The Baltimore Sun and here to find out more about the program.
