From Philip Rous, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
The President has approved a new UMBC policy on development and approval of written academic agreements. The new policy covers all written academic agreements to which UMBC or any of its departments will be a party, except agreements for sponsored or unsponsored research and those between two or more departments within UMBC.[1] The new policy, the related procedures for developing written academic agreements, and the required forms can be found at
The new policy and procedures are intended to support the following objectives:
To give UMBC faculty and staff the tools to draft agreements with potential partners according to guidelines that have been pre-approved by the UMBC University Counsel, thereby reducing the time needed for legal review of written agreements
To support UMBC faculty and staff in the efficient preparation of draft agreements by clarifying and streamlining the process by which they are developed, reviewed, approved, and signed at UMBC
To identify the Office of the Provost as the administrative unit responsible for the implementation of the policy and procedures, to which faculty and staff may address all questions about development, review, approval, and signing of written academic agreements covered by the policy
Beth Wells is the point of contact in the Provost’s Office for questions or information about the new policy on written academic agreements or about development of particular agreements. You can reach her at Thank you very much.
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