Nancy Rankie Shelton publishes thought-provoking memoir about love, loss, and survival

Published: Jun 24, 2016

Nancy Rankie Shelton, a professor of education, is author of a powerful new memoir that is already receiving significant praise for its contributions to the growing body of literature on living and dying well. The book, titled 5-13: A Memoir of Love, Loss and Survival, was published earlier this month by Garn Press.

NRS-Cover-Softcover-v-4-book-post-2-201x300In a review posted on the Garn Press website, the reviewer notes, “Nancy Rankie Shelton’s 5-13, A Memoir of Love, Loss and Survival is a breathtaking read. It is work of great courage but also a literary triumph. Like an uncut diamond it is rough reading in places and then the light fractures and you feel the surge of an enduring human spirit who is not frightened to love, face death, and then reimagine her life.”

The book encourages readers to overcome fears of cancer, remain loving and strong, survive the death of a loved one, and continue living. The story traces Shelton’s husband Jack’s fight with lung cancer and the stress and confusion of managing his treatment. The book reflects on the 35 years the couple was together and the family’s relationships with others over the years.

“Dying with dignity, end of life decisions, assisted suicide and advances in health care are important topics in today’s society,” the review on the Garn Press website states. “Nancy Rankie Shelton contributes to this body of work in her book…which leads the reader through her husband Jack’s cancer diagnosis and his death, with moving vignettes of life and love woven throughout the text.”

Shelton is the author of 23 publications appearing in prominent academic journals and leading publishing companies specializing in literacy research and/or education policy. Her teaching areas focus on reading and language arts, literacy/culture and composition theory/practice. Her research interests include children’s writing development, effects of mandated instruction on elementary literacy development, literacy/art connections, and children’s literature. Read more about her work on the education department website.

Image: Nancy Rankie Shelton. Garn Press photo.

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