Meghan Alokonis ’12 on

Published: Mar 8, 2012

Meghan Alokonis ’12, dance, was interning under Waugh Chapel Elementary School’s physical education teacher, Karen Webster, when she decided to share a secret: her background was in dance, not traditional physical education.

Instead of being disappointed, Webster saw an opportunity.

Webster and Alokonis worked to integrate dance into physical education classes. Students in all grades got lessons from Alokonis in hip-hop, jazz, tap and ballet, and she worked with Webster and other teachers to tie in lessons on music, history, geometry and even weather.

Then on Feb. 15, six girls danced with Alokonis and the UMBC dance team during halftime of a basketball game.

Odenton’s site told the story of the class in a story entitled “‘Dancing Fools’ at Waugh Chapel Elementary,” which ran on March 7.

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