Laura Hussey, Political Science, and Donald Norris, Public Policy, in the Gazette

Published: Feb 24, 2012

The Maryland Senate this week followed the Maryland House of Delegates in passing legislation allowing same-sex marriage, but opponents are planning a voter referendum. In the Gazette’s coverage of the issue, UMBC professor and chair of public policy Donald Norris argues that the referendum vote might depend on who is nominated as the GOP presidential candidate — a more extreme or more centrist candidate — and who comes out to vote as a result. Either way, says Norris, “It’s going to be a squeaker.”

UMBC assistant professor of political science Laura Hussey also offered her comments for the article, as well as another story on what remains for the current legislative session. She suggests that in this session bills dealing with the death penalty and firearms will likely get less attention than bills dealing with fiscal issues due to the economic climate.
