Kevin Wisniewski, LLC student, Selected as 2012-2013 HASTAC Scholar & Mentor

Published: Sep 28, 2012

Kevin A. Wisniewski, first year Ph.D. candidate in the Language, Literacy, and Culture program, was named a 2012-2013 HASTAC Scholar.  Dr. Craig Saper, Director of the LLC program, was selected to serve as Wisniewski’s HASTAC Mentor. 

HASTAC (Humanities, Arts, Science and Technology Advanced Collaboratory, pronounced “haystack”) is a virtual organization of over 7000 individuals and institutions inspired by the possibilities that new technologies offer for shaping how society learns, teaches, communicates, creates, and organizes at the local and global levels. It was founded by Cathy N. Davidson, former Vice Provost for Interdisciplinary Studies and co-founder of the John Hope Franklin Humanities Institute at Duke University, and David Theo Goldberg, Director of the University of California’s state-wide Humanities Research Institute (UCHRI),

The HASTAC Scholars program is an annual fellowship program that recognizes graduate students who are engaged in innovative work across disciplines.  Among their duties, HASTAC Scholars blog, host forums, organize events and discuss new ideas, projects, experiments, and technologies that re-conceive teaching, learning, research, writing and structuring knowledge. They also function as links between their home institutions and the virtual community they foster on the HASTAC site.

Wisniewski’s research investigates the future of the book and changing face of publishing in the digital world.  He will be founding a new group and forum at HASTAC dedicated to digital publishing; his blog can be found here.
