Katie Morris of the Social Work Dept. Wins Program Director of the Year

Published: Apr 29, 2013

UMBC’s Social Work Department, along with UMBC-Shady Grove, is pleased to announce Katie Morris as the Program Director of the Year at The Universities at Shady Grove. Ms. Morris received her award at the Student Achievement & Leadership Breakfast at The Universities at Shady Grove on Friday, April 12, 2013.

The Program Director of the Year Award is given to a program director from a participating USM institution who has served the students at the Universities at Shady Grove for at least two years. To be eligible the program director must have demonstrated a strong participation in creating a unique campus environment that is supportive of student success through activities such as community service and academic achievement, advanced the educational or career goals of students.

Ms. Morris serves as the Program Director for UMBC’s Social Work bachelor’s degree program and is in her tenth year as a faculty member at UMBC-Shady Grove. Her ability to connect and coordinate with her team of professors in the social work program has made the program among the best at The Universities at Shady Grove. She provides competent and professional leadership while also maintaining a collaborative atmosphere within the social work program. Recently, she presented at a national conference of baccalaureate social work programs and noted an article for the Chronicle of Higher Education on the use of technology in the social work curriculum. Ms. Morris has also been actively involved in inter-professional and interdisciplinary initiatives at The Universities at Shady Grove, including the very successful Poverty Simulation this past fall.

Ms. Morris is a motivator, educator, and a tireless advocate for students. She is totally dedicated to her job, always ready to intervene, to empower, and support students in finding solutions to problems. A student observed, “Katie wants us to take on challenges and do the best we can. She wants us to realize our full potential and is always there for us when we need her. She sees our strengths when we may not be able to see them, and she encourages us to be the best.”

Ms. Morris states, “I am truly honored to receive this award. I received this award because of my students. It is their curiosity, questions, experiences, hard work, passion and interest in social work that encourages me to be a better teacher, administrator, advisor, and go the extra mile to help them.”

Congratulations, Ms. Morris, for your accomplishment and proudly representing UMBC and the Social Work department.

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