Kate Drabinski, Gender and Women’s Studies, Reacts to Target Phasing Out Gender-based Signs in Stores on ABC 2 Baltimore

Published: Aug 11, 2015

Target recently announced it is moving away from using gender-based signs in its stores such as removing signs featuring suggestions for boys and girls in certain sections and in toy aisles, removing reference to gender, including the use of pink, blue, yellow or green paper on the back walls of shelves.

Kate DrabinskiKate Drabinski, a lecturer of gender and women’s studies, was interviewed by ABC 2 TV in Baltimore about her thoughts on the decision.

“It’s kind of sad that it’s such a bold move, but it’s a really bold move especially given how gendered things for kids really are,” she said during a recorded segment that aired on the 11 p.m. newscast on August 10.

Drabinski said gender rules are learned early, such as advertising and society telling girls things for them are pink and purple, while boys’ items are blue. She said she hopes Target’s decision will spur action and conversation on a much larger scale.

“What I hope happens is that this jump starts a conversation about how gender is built into all things that we buy and how we might change that.”

Watch the full segment “Target phasing out some gender-based signs in stores” on ABC 2 TV.

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