Kate Brown, History, on Lecture Tour

Published: Mar 28, 2012

brownKate Brown, associate professor of history, is giving a series of talks that are taking her across the country.  Brown studies and teaches Russian and Eastern European history, and is an expert on the history of nuclear disasters.  Stops along her tour include:

  • On February 9, she spoke on “The Plutonium Curtain: Plutonium’s role in making model cities and the nuclear security state during the Soviet-American Cold War” at New York University.
  • On April 18, she will give the Sweet Professorship Lecture “Touched: Plutonium’s role in the making of nuclear families and lethal landscapes in the US and USSR” at Michigan State university.
  • On May 14, she will give a talk at Stanford’s Center for East Asian Studies entitled “Business as Usual: Fukushima in light of the great Cold War plutonium disasters.”
  • On May 16, she will discuss “Local Knowledge and the great Soviet and American plutonium disasters” at the Center for Cultural Studies at the University of California, Santa Cruz.
  • On May 17, she will present “Excerpts from ‘Plutopia’” at the University of California, Berkeley, Russian History Circle.
