KAL, Visiting Artist, Receives 2014 Thomas Nast Award

Published: Apr 25, 2014

Cartoon-of-Kevin-kal-Kallaugher-us-democrazy-458x400Kevin “KAL” Kallaugher, visiting artist at UMBC, has been named recipient of the 2014 Thomas Nast Award. The Overseas Press Club of America presents this prestigious award for excellence in cartoons about international affairs.

KAL is an editorial cartoonist for The Economist and The Baltimore Sun. He speaks around the globe about the power of editorial cartoons and the importance of a free press. In his role at UMBC, KAL is the adviser and fearless leader behind the politics and current events blog U.S. Democrazy, working with the Imaging Research Center and students in the Sondheim Scholars Program produce engaging coverage of current events for young audiences.

Click here to read the judges’ citation and view KAL’s cartoons.

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