John Rennie Short, Public Policy, in World Future Review

Published: Apr 25, 2014

In the March 2014 issue of World Future Review (WFR), Public Policy Professor John Rennie Short was interviewed about his book Stress Testing the USAWFR is a quarterly publication that explores trends and alternatives for society and regularly features interviews with leading experts in policy analysis, operations research and issues management.

John Rennie Short

Short was interviewed by the associate editor of WFR as a “featured futurist.” The interview opens with Short outlining one of the main arguments in his book.

“What I did in the book was to look at the whole range of events—four in particular, namely, the Iraq war, Hurricane Katrina, the financial crisis, and Hurricane Sandy. In a sense, I wanted to shift the debate toward looking at systemic failures and away from blaming any one particular individual or group. Often we’ll look for one person to blame—’the botched Hurricane Katrina response was Michael Brown’s fault,’ for example, or ‘the Wall Street meltdown happened because of greedy bankers,’” Short says.

To read the complete four-page interview in WFR, click here.

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