Donald Norris, Public Policy, on WYPR’s Midday with Dan Rodricks, in Bethesda Magazine

Published: Jan 7, 2015

Donald Norris UMBCOn December 23, Donald Norris, professor and director of the School of Public Policy, joined WYPR’s Midday with Dan Rodricks for a review of the year’s most significant political stories. Norris, along with Melissa Deckman, chair of the political science department at Washington College, analyzed the results of Maryland’s gubernatorial election, discussed the future of outgoing Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley, and other significant national political stories heading into the new year. The full segment can be accessed here.

On January 7, Norris was quoted in an article published in Bethesda Magazine examining the future of the Purple Line under incoming governor Larry Hogan. “He has enormous power to kill it,” Norris said.

He added, “if [Hogan] zero-funds the Purple Line, or the Red Line in Baltimore, then the legislature, through the budgetary process, can’t do anything,” said Norris, while adding: “That said, the legislature has enormous power otherwise—and they can make life so miserable for the governor that he wouldn’t do something like that or if he did, he would be brought right back to be accountable by the legislature.”

To read the full article titled “Supporters Would Have Little Recourse if Hogan Moves to Halt Purple Line,” click here.

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