Donald Norris, Public Policy, in The Washington Post and The Baltimore Sun

Published: Jun 13, 2014

With less than two weeks until Maryland’s Democratic primary, new polls in the gubernatorial and attorney general’s race show one race is likely already decided and the other could swing in either direction.

Donald Norris UMBC

Public Policy Professor and Chair Donald Norris was interviewed by The Washington Post about the two polls. A new Washington Post poll shows Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown holding a commanding lead with 46 percent of likely Democratic voters supporting him, with 23 percent backing Attorney General Doug Gansler and 16 percent supporting Del. Heather Mizeur (Montgomery).

“Absent a gigantic mistake from the Brown campaign, this is probably over,” Norris said. “I think the only strategy left for a candidate in Gansler’s situation is to attack, attack, attack, and that’s likely to backfire.”

Meanwhile, in the attorney general’s race, Del. Jon Cardin (Baltimore County) narrowly leads Sen. Brian Frosh (Montgomery) with 26 percent of likely Democratic voters saying they support him. That’s compared to 20 percent supporting Frosh and Del. Alisha Braveboy (Prince George’s), who is running third at 13 percent. Forty percent of likely Democratic voters say they have no preferred candidate or are disengaged: “People are generally not paying attention,” said Norris. “I’m not sure whose advantage that is.”

To read “Lt. Gov. Brown holds commanding lead over Democratic rivals in Maryland governor’s race,” click here. You can read “Polls show two candidates for Md. attorney general are locked in a tight battle” here.

Norris was also interviewed for an article published in The Baltimore Sun on June 13 about spending in the governor’s race. To read, “Candidates have millions to spend in final days before primary,” click here.

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