Donald Norris, Public Policy, in the Baltimore Sun and Gazette

Published: Mar 15, 2012

Donald Norris, UMBCIt’s been a busy week in the media for Donald Norris, UMBC public policy chair and director of the Maryland Institute for Policy Analysis and Research. Norris offered expert comments for four articles on public policy in Maryland, focusing on current debates in the state legislature.

In “Some State Agencies Want More of Your Money,” Norris explains that proposed state fee increases face an uphill battle as “[p]aying anything for government goods and services has become conflated with taxes.” Norris argues that alternative doomsday budget plans based on severe cuts are unlikely to pass in another Sun article, later suggesting in the Gazette that it is more likely Maryland will gradually shift the cost of teacher pensions onto local jurisdictions to close the state’s budget gap.

Finally, Norris commented in the Sun on the indictment of Anne Arundel County Executive John R. Leopold on corruption charges, stating: “It’s going to affect absolutely everything he says and does…When he tries to stay in office and wait for a trial, during that period of time, county government is going to be on trial.”
