Donald Norris, Public Policy, in the Baltimore Sun and Washington Post

Published: Feb 6, 2015

Donald Norris UMBCIn the days surrounding Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan’s State of the State address, Donald Norris provided analysis on what to expect for the remainder of the legislative session. Norris, professor and director of UMBC’s School of Public Policy, discussed GOP fundraising, the relationship between the governor and legislature, and ongoing discussions over the budget.

Norris was interviewed for several articles in the Baltimore Sun and Washington Post. To read complete coverage, click below:

A GOP governor means new challenges for longtime Md. Senate President Mike Miller (Washington Post)
As budget battle heats up in Annapolis, Democrats rally around school funding (Washington Post)
Hogan, GOP have raised over $2 million since his victory (Baltimore Sun)
Democrats say most of Hogan’s agenda won’t pass (Baltimore Sun)

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