Donald Norris, Public Policy, in the Baltimore Sun

Published: Jan 17, 2013

Donald NorrisAnnual campaign finance reports released this week indicate three fundraising leaders among potential Democratic candidates for Maryland governor: Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown (taking in $1.25 million), Attorney General Douglas Gansler ($1.24 million) and Howard County Exec. Ken Ulman ($1.14 million). A fourth potential candidate, Montgomery County Del. Heather Mazeur, collected $248,671 in 2012, leaving her with $380,000 in cash on hand.

Donald F. Norris, professor and chairman of UMBC’s Department of Public Policy, told the Baltimore Sun that Ulman’s fundraising figures were particularly surprising, saying, “You would think the other candidates would be ahead of him, but he’s been out there on the hustings.” Regarding relative newcomer Mazeur, Norris notes that the little-known delegate would face long odds in a gubernatorial race but, “This is very early and is very fluid. A lot of things can happen.”

Leading potential candidates from the Republican party include Harford County Exec. David Craig and Frederick County Commission Pres. Blaine Young.

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