Donald Norris, Public Policy, in Baltimore Magazine

Published: Mar 8, 2013

“Martin O’Malley is on the short list of Democratic presidential contenders. Can he win?” So reads a headline in this month’s Baltimore Magazine, which delves into O’Malley’s political background and aspirations, personality and reputation. Donald Norris, professor and chair of public policy at UMBC, comments in the article on O’Malley’s experience.

Donald Norris UMBC“He has a lot going for him as a potential candidate,” says Norris. “He’s run a city government, a state government, and managed to balance the budget every year. He came into office [as governor] at the start of the recession, balanced the budget, and at the same time, has come close to closing the state’s structural deficit.”

As for O’Malley’s prospects, Norris responds to recent poll numbers indicating 58% of Marylanders don’t think O’Malley should run for president by saying that ultimately he believes the majority of Marylanders would support an O’Malley bid.

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