Disha Patel ’15 on NPR’s “This I Believe” Website

Published: Apr 5, 2012

Disha Patel ’15, English, has an essay posted on NPR’s “This I Believe” website.

“I believe that being a family is about more than sharing blood,” begins Patel, who is currently enrolled in an ENGL 291 course taught by Michael Fallon.

“Family is a word that to most would evoke images of faces that are similar to their own. People who share the same DNA, the same blood type, eye color, hair color, skin color. I on the other hand, see the faces of people, who if it weren’t for a change of geography, I would never had the pleasure of meeting, nor the honor of calling my family,” Patel writes. “Some people say ‘blood is thicker than water.’ I say love is more powerful than blood. Love is what makes a family.”

Her full essay can be read here.

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