David Salkever, Public Policy, in the Baltimore Business Journal

Published: Oct 15, 2013

Maryland’s Health Services Cost Review Commission (HSCRC) is in the process of preparing for a new hospital payment system.

David Salkever

An advisory group has been created to provide input and expertise as the new system rolls out. David Salkever, Professor of Public Policy, has been named to the advisory council which is set to hold its first meeting November 13th. He was mentioned in the Baltimore Business Journal along with other members of the council in an article last week.

The federal centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services must review and sign off on a waiver proposal that would change the way hospitals are paid and make them more accountable for working with community health organizations to address public health problems.

The advisory group will oversee the change. You can find the full article mentioning David Salkever here.

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