Christine Mallinson, Language, Literacy & Culture, Publishes “Data Collection in Sociolinguistics: Methods and Applications”

Published: Jun 3, 2013

Christine Mallinson, associate professor in the Language, Literacy & Culture Program, is co-editor, with Becky Childs and Gerard Van Herk, of the new book, Data Collection in Sociolinguistics: Methods and Applications (Routledge, 2013).

The book website notes, “This edited volume provides up-to-date, succinct, relevant, and informative discussion about methods of data collection in sociolinguistic research. It covers the main areas of research design, conducting research, and sharing data findings with longer chapters and shorter vignettes written by a range of top sociolinguists, both veteran and emerging scholars. Here is the one-stop, go-to guide for the numerous quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods that are used in sociolinguistic research, ensuring that Data Collection in Sociolinguistics will be not only useful in the classroom but also as a reference tool for active researchers.”

Professor J.K. Chambers of the University of Toronto writes in the foreword to the volume, “This collection provides a balanced, judicious, forward-looking summation of the ways in which we collect, access and process the data that is the foundation of our enterprise. In its format and its tone, it has the feeling of a symposium involving a select group of sociolinguists sharing their personal experiences as well as their collective wisdom. It is an invaluable sourcebook for researchers and students and also for veteran fieldworkers in the diverse situations we face on entering the community.”
