Center for Art, Design and Visual Culture Exhibition Highlights Outreach to Area Schools

Published: Dec 12, 2011

By: Tom Moore

The Center for Art, Design and Visual Culture celebrates its Fall 2011 K-12 school and community partnerships with an exhibition in the Hall Gallery on the first floor of the Fine Arts Building through February 9. The multi-media display features original artwork by more than two hundred students from four area schools—Lansdowne High School (Academy of Arts & Communication), Benjamin Franklin High School at Masonville Cove, Highlandtown Elementary/Middle School and Hampstead Hill Academy—alongside work by their UMBC student and faculty collaborators. Their artwork responds to the CADVC’s main gallery exhibition Image Transfer: Pictures in a Remix Culture, which was on display in Fall 2011.

Work by students from two of these schools, Highlandtown Elementary/Middle School and Hampstead Hill Academy, are also on display at the Pop-Up Gallery at 401 South Conkling Street in Baltimore City through January 14. This exhibition, Highlandtown Transfer Remix, is the result of a partnership between the CADVC and the Highlandtown Arts & Entertainment District, also known as “ha!”.

More information is available at the CADVC’s Image Transfer exhibition page.

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