CAHSS New Faculty Micro-Talks (4/21)

Published: Apr 17, 2015

Dresher logoNew Faculty Micro-Talks
Tuesday, April 21, 5:30-7 p.m. 
Albin O. Kuhn Library Gallery 

The Dresher Center for the Humanities, in partnership with The College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, invites you to attend an afternoon of short talks by new faculty in the college. Please join us to meet tenure-stream faculty hired in the last two years and to learn about their research. A reception will follow.

Schedule of speakers:

Maleda Belilgne, Assistant Professor, Africana Studies and English
Steph Cesaro, Assistant Professor, English
Erin Hogan, Assistant Professor, Modern Languages, Linguistics & Intercultural Communications
Michael Lane, Assistant Professor, Ancient Studies
Kathy Marmor, Associate Professor, Visual Arts
Gary Rozanc, Assistant Professor, Visual Arts
Dena Smith, Assistant Professor, Sociology and Anthropology
Colin Studds, Assistant Professor, Geography & Environmental Systems

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