Amy Bhatt, Gender and Women’s Studies, Discusses Her Research on Immigrant Tech Communities in the Seattle Times

Published: Sep 4, 2015

Amy BhattIn an in-depth Seattle Times story about the difficulty in finding employment that women in immigrant tech communities experience, Amy Bhatt, an assistant professor of gender and women’s studies, was quoted in the article and provided perspective on many of the harsh realities that women in such communities encounter.

“It’s very challenging for many of the women who come here as spouses,” said Bhatt, who did her Ph.D. research at the University of Washington on high-tech immigrant communities in the Seattle area. “They are a highly educated group of women, trained in fields like engineering and computer science, coming to what they think is the land of opportunity and equality. They come here and they’re relegated to the status of being a housewife. For some, there’s real anxiety and depression.”

Bhatt researches global studies of gender, families and social reproduction, contemporary and historical ethnic formation, and globalization and transnational migration. She is co-author of Roots and Reflections: South Asians in the Pacific Northwest

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