Science & Tech

UMBC study shows positive impact of integrating quantitative reasoning into undergrad biology courses

Study finds that biology courses infused with math in a team-based learning environment improve undergrads’ quantitative reasoning skills. New research funded by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute can serve as a model for other departments and universities. Continue Reading UMBC study shows positive impact of integrating quantitative reasoning into undergrad biology courses

President Hrabowski discusses the importance of connecting STEM with the arts, humanities and social sciences

“One of the ways we can get students to appreciate what STEM can do for our country is through the humanities, not only through reading skills, but understanding many of the ethical issues involved in the achievement gap, in health disparities, and in the environmental issues that we face.” – Dr. Hrabowski on The Kojo Nnamdi Show on WAMU. Continue Reading President Hrabowski discusses the importance of connecting STEM with the arts, humanities and social sciences

Michael Summers, HIV researcher and mentor, elected to National Academy of Sciences

Dr. Summers is recognized with one of the highest honors a researcher can receive for work to determine the 3D structure of several components of HIV-1 and for his deep commitment to training the next generation of leading scientists, from high school through postdoctoral levels. Continue Reading Michael Summers, HIV researcher and mentor, elected to National Academy of Sciences

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