Media Resources and Guidelines

As a public university, UMBC permits media and film representatives in public, outdoor spaces on UMBC’s campus. To best serve you, we recommend connecting with a member of the University Communications team by using the email links below. Our staff can answer information requests, connect you with faculty experts or other community members, and assist with photography and videography requests. You can find the answers to additional questions in the FAQs section below.

Follow UMBC on Social Media

For the Media

General News Email:

Director of Media Relations: Cherie Parker, 240-930-1169, or

Guidelines for On-campus Photography and Film

We ask that all members of the media who are visiting notify University Communications and Marketing in advance by emailing, or by communicating directly with any member of the University Communications staff so we may help coordinate interviews and parking, and provide other helpful information. 

Members of the media covering athletic events should coordinate directly with UMBC’s athletics communications team (on that page scroll down to the “Athletic Communications” section).

Advance notice is required for:

• All commercial filming and photography
• Live broadcasts
• Filming and photography inside buildings

In general, filming inside of private spaces such as dorms and medical areas is not permitted. UMBC also has a strict no-drone policy, as outlined here

Communications staff can answer questions, provide media with parking codes, arrange interviews, and assist with access to desired spaces.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I correctly refer to your university?

Please use the name University of Maryland, Baltimore County on first reference, and UMBC after that. For more information about UMBC styles, see our Brand and Style Guide.

Are there existing photographs or video b-roll of the campus I can use?

The university often shares images and/or video b-roll with the media. Please make specific requests for existing photography by emailing For b-roll requests, please email

How should I credit UMBC photographers and videographers for use of university assets?

Please credit photography or b-roll use by noting: “Courtesy of UMBC.”

There is breaking news. How can I get in touch with someone quickly?

To reach someone quickly, please email or contact a member of the University Communications staff.

How do I find publicly available data about UMBC?

Basic information about the UMBC community can be found on our About website. For further information, please email

How do I verify if someone attended, graduated, or was affiliated with UMBC?

Please email and we can help verify your information, or connect you with folks who can.

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