
To You – Winter 2009

Welcome to UMBC Magazine! The university has created this magazine to make connections. And, more specifically, reconnections. I can modestly put myself forward as one of those reconnections. I graduated from UMBC in December 1986 with a degree in English. I spent a lot of time away from the university’s orbit – in St. Louis, Prague, Sarajevo, Belgrade – pursuing a career in journalism and creative writing. And while I valued the education that UMBC gave me, I had essentially disconnected. A few years ago, I moved back to this area and went to work at The Chronicle of Higher… Continue Reading To You – Winter 2009

The News – Winter 2009

Q&A: Provost Elliot Hirschman On July 1, Elliot Hirshman became the new Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs at UMBC. Hirshman has a strong cross-disciplinary background (undergraduate degrees in economics and mathematics from Yale University, and a Ph.D. in cognitive psychology from UCLA) and brings with him notable successes as a research and administrator – including a position as Chief Research Officer at George Washington University. UMBC Magazine asked Hirshman a few questions about his first few months on the job and how he traveled a path from a career as a researcher to the position of chief… Continue Reading The News – Winter 2009

The Joy in Discovery – Paula Whittington ’01, biological sciences

Talk to Paula Whittington ’01, biological sciences, and you might not guess she’s a researcher who’s getting potentially life-saving results. Modest and soft-spoken, the former Meyerhoff Scholar recently published the findings from experiments that could help thousands of women with breast cancer. In her research, Whittington has shown that a form of vaccination using DNA can treat breast cancers that are resistant to other drugs. Her research was done on mice, but if the vaccine works similarly in people, it could give hope to women whose cancers either did not shrink when treated, or whose cancers have come back despite… Continue Reading The Joy in Discovery – Paula Whittington ’01, biological sciences

Spectrum Storms

What is science telling us about autism? By Joel N. Shurkin Few medical disorders engender as much controversy as autism, or as it is now known, autism spectrum disorder or ASD. The term describes a range of behaviors. But what all people with ASD share is difficulty in social interaction, problems with verbal and nonverbal communication, and repetitive behaviors or narrow obsessive interests. The “hallmark,” according to the National Institutes of Health, is impaired social interaction. About 75 percent of autistics are mentally retarded (“low functioning”). But the spectrum is broad, and includes people like Ari Ne’eman; the scientist Temple… Continue Reading Spectrum Storms

Soldiering On – Michael Graham ’84, M.P.S.

Last year, Michael Graham ’84, M.P.S., was thinking about retirement as an intelligence officer in the U.S. Naval Reserves. After more than two decades in the reserves, Graham had risen to the rank of commander. And he did so as he built a successful career as a senior lobbyist for the American Dental Association. The Navy, however, had other ideas. “Last spring,” recalls Graham, “when I announced that I was about to retire, they said. “No, not quite. We’ve got one last trip for you. You’re going to Iraq.” Graham was deployed to Iraq in May of 2008 as an… Continue Reading Soldiering On – Michael Graham ’84, M.P.S.

Over Coffee – Winter 2009

For two decades, the Honors College at UMBC has offered select students an intensive and interdisciplinary approach to undergraduate education. As the college celebrated its 20th anniversary last fall, UMBC Magazine asked Mark Tyler ’99, history – an Honors College alumnus who is now an assistant state’s attorney in Anne Arundel County – and a current Honors College student, Allison Seyler ’11, to reflect on their experiences in the program. Q: What attracted you to the Honors College? Mark: It represented an opportunity to have a more up-close and in-depth interaction with peers and professors. I didn’t join the Honors… Continue Reading Over Coffee – Winter 2009

Night Shift in the War Room – Benjamin Lloyd ’05, M.P.P.

A UMBC Public Policy grad talks about his view of the 2008 campaign from the nerve center of Republican nominee John McCain’s headquarters. By Richard Byrne ’86 Benjamin Lloyd ’05 M.P.P. public policy, did better than get in on the ground floor of Arizona Sen. John McCain’s rollercoaster ride to the Republican nomination. He got involved at the very nadir of the campaign, when a nearly-toxic combination of financial profligacy and low poll numbers had nearly buried McCain’s presidential hopes. In August 2007, Lloyd climbed aboard McCain’s “Straight Talk Express” when the press had already written off the candidate as… Continue Reading Night Shift in the War Room – Benjamin Lloyd ’05, M.P.P.

KAL on Campus

When renowned political cartoonist Kevin “Kal” Kallaugher came to UMBC, he wanted to push his craft into the digital age. He did that – and much more – by spurring innovative research and prodding a new generation of students to get involved in politics and media. By Richard Byrne ’86 Images courtesy of the Imaging Research Center After nearly three decades in the political cartooning business, Kevin “Kal” Kallaugher was looking for new frontiers. Someone less energetic might have reclined on their laurels. After all, Kallaugher’s work for the Baltimore Sun and British magazine The Economist has made him one… Continue Reading KAL on Campus

How to Build a Championship Basketball Team

With Randy Monroe, Head Coach, UMBC Men’s Basketball Randy Monroe describes being a head basketball coach as “being a Tootsie Roll pop: he’s all good things rolled up into one. He’s the mentor; he’s the father figure; he’s the coach; he’s the advisor.” Now in the midst of his fifth full season as UMBC’s coach, Monroe offered his blueprint for building the 2007-08 team that won an America East championship and took UMBC to the NCAA Men’s Division I Championship Tournament for the first time. As a man who takes all of his roles seriously, it’s no surprise that Monroe… Continue Reading How to Build a Championship Basketball Team

Herstory Lessons

The near success of Sen. Hillary Clinton and Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin in the electoral battles of 2008 made it an important year for women involved in politics. However, even before the 2008 landmark races in which Clinton fought to the end to wrest her party’s nomination and Palin campaigned as the Republican vice presidential running mate to Sen. John McCain, other women have blazed trails in the struggle to gain electoral representation. The growing involvement of UMBC alumnae in politics is indeed reflective of the national trend. Some of these events have been seminal, like Rep. Shirley Chisholm’s gutsy… Continue Reading Herstory Lessons

Discovery – Winter 2009

“Smog Blog” Tracks Air Quality When fires blaze across the Western United States, it’s just a matter of time until the resulting haze and dirty air plumes travel downwind to neighboring states – even as far away as the East Coast. In 2003, environmental scientists at UMBC invented a method to track significant air pollution events and to provide a daily diary of air quality across the United States. The result is an innovative Web site known as the “Smog Blog,” which now attracts some half a million users annually. The Smog Blog offers realtime analysis and an extensive… Continue Reading Discovery – Winter 2009

Ballot Boxers

Four UMBC alumnae who have made careers in politics and government look back at an electoral cycle that held landmarks and heartbreaks for women candidates. By Richard Byrne ’86 The year 2008 saw a momentous breakthrough for African-Americans in U.S. electoral politics. But it was a landmark year for women as well. UMBC Magazine talked with four prominent political alumnae just after Election Day 2008. We asked them to reflect not only on the tumultuous political year, but also about gender and politics issues in their own careers. And to add some scholarly perspective, Cheryl M. Miller, an associate dean… Continue Reading Ballot Boxers

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