All posts by: Magazine Editor

The Shot Heard ‘Round the World

When UMBC dethroned the University of Vermont, 65 – 62, to win the America East men’s basketball champion ship on March 10, few anticipated the journey ahead. A stunning three-point shot by Jairus Lyles, with less than a second left on the clock, didn’t just catapult UMBC to the NCAA tournament, it set the tone for the nail-biting, heart-pounding, history-making run that would follow. Continue Reading The Shot Heard ‘Round the World

Sticking With It: Lacrosse Coach Lloyd Carter ’97, M.S. ’09

Though he never set foot on UMBC’s field as a player, the lacrosse career of Lloyd Carter ’97, M.S. ’09, emergency health services, began years before his time as a Retriever, and continues today through his role as head coach of Hampton University’s Division I squad. Carter, who for years balanced coaching jobs with a lengthy leadership career in firefighting for Baltimore City, founded the program at Hampton just three years ago, making it the only team of its kind among the historically black college and university (HBCU) system. It’s a fitting position for a man who spent much of… Continue Reading Sticking With It: Lacrosse Coach Lloyd Carter ’97, M.S. ’09

Practice Makes Perfect: Students Network with Alums at Career Month

If you could do it all over again, what would you tell your younger self? This is the concept behind “Interview an Alum,” a new initiative designed by the UMBC Alumni Board of Directors (AABOD) and the UMBC Career Center. During Career Month 2018, current students and alumni came together to network and discuss their academic journeys, career aspirations, and, at times, uncertainties. “Even as a college senior, I’m not entirely sure what I would like to do with my degree,” admitted Casey Dahlgren, a senior majoring in business technology administration. “So, getting different perspectives on that seemed like it… Continue Reading Practice Makes Perfect: Students Network with Alums at Career Month

Alums in the News: September 22-28, 2017

Our alumni are making headlines…let’s see what they’ve been up to this week! Kavita Krishnaswamy ’07, mathematics and computer science, a current Ph.D. candidate at UMBC, has earned research funding through a Microsoft Fellowship and the Google Lime Scholarship, in addition to her grants from the Ford Foundation and the National Science Foundation. Krishnaswamy, who is paralyzed from the neck down due to spinal muscular atrophy and attends classes using a Beam telepresence robot, has focused her doctoral research on using robotics to aid people with disabilities and improve access. Henrietta Akintoye ’07, biochemistry and molecular biology, has joined the… Continue Reading Alums in the News: September 22-28, 2017

Alumni Awards 2017: Sylvia Trent-Adams, Ph.D. ’06, Public Policy

In the weeks leading up to the Alumni Awards Ceremony, we’ll be profiling each honoree in more detail here on our blog. Today, meet Rear Admiral Sylvia Trent-Adams, Ph.D. ’06, public policy, the current Deputy Surgeon General of the United States and our Outstanding Alumna in the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Sylvia Trent-Adams, Ph.D. ’06, public policy, currently serves as the Deputy Surgeon General of the Unites States. She is a Rear Admiral (RADM) in the U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS) Commissioned Corps. In her role as Deputy Surgeon General she advises and supports the Surgeon General regarding operations of the USPHS… Continue Reading Alumni Awards 2017: Sylvia Trent-Adams, Ph.D. ’06, Public Policy

“I’m a Water Dancer, Mom!”: On Bodies and Baltimore’s Premier Water Ballet

A reflection on body acceptance and positivity while being a part of a water ballet by Special Projects Coordinator, Amelia Meman ’15, gender and women’s studies.  Above photo: Amelia and friend Susie Hinz ’14, courtesy of the author. * * * * * I tend to not write about my body much. It’s not that I don’t think about it. I’m preoccupied by it, actually. Rather, it’s that I don’t want to continue to bring attention to something that seems, to me, like a glaring error that folks can already pick apart. It’s not just that I’m sort of fat. I am fat, and… Continue Reading “I’m a Water Dancer, Mom!”: On Bodies and Baltimore’s Premier Water Ballet

Alumni Awards 2017: Kafui Dzirasa ’01, M8, Chemical Engineering

In the weeks leading up to the Alumni Awards Ceremony, we’ll be profiling each honoree in more detail here on our blog. Today, meet Kafui Dzirasa ’01, M8, chemical engineering, associate professor at the Duke University School of Medicine and this year’s Outstanding Alumnus in Engineering and Information Technology. As an associate professor of psychiatry, behavioral science, neurobiology, and neurosurgery at the Duke University School of Medicine, Kafui Dzirasa ’01, M8, chemical engineering, has dedicated his career to creating a kind of “pacemaker for the brain,” a device that can effectively rewire neurological signals in patients with bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and… Continue Reading Alumni Awards 2017: Kafui Dzirasa ’01, M8, Chemical Engineering

Alumni Awards 2017: Marc Zupan, Department of Mechanical Engineering

In the weeks leading up to the Alumni Awards Ceremony, we’ll be profiling each honoree in more detail here on our blog. Today, meet Marc Zupan, associate professor and graduate program director of UMBC’s Department of Mechanical Engineering, and this year’s Outstanding Faculty Award winner. In just over 14 years at UMBC, Marc Zupan, associate professor and graduate program director in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, has become known as a connection-maker. He connects students with internships, job opportunities, and graduate programs. He’s made international connections with Portugal’s Universidade do Porto through the Global Engineering Program. And he’s made connections across… Continue Reading Alumni Awards 2017: Marc Zupan, Department of Mechanical Engineering

Discovery – Spring 2017

Runaway Black Hole A team of researchers including UMBC’s Eileen Meyer and Markos Georganopoulos have found strong evidence of a striking astrophysical phenomenon: a supermassive black hole traveling away from the center of its galaxy at an incredibly rapid pace. A scenario like this has been predicted for some time. “The theory is great, but we’ve got to have some observations to see if our simulations are correct,” says Meyer, assistant professor of physics. Those observations are now in hand, with copious lines of evidence all supporting the team’s explanation. “There have been previous cases of systems like this,” says… Continue Reading Discovery – Spring 2017

Campus Treasure – The UMBC Squirrel

There’s something irresistible about our fair university’s unofficial mascot, the UMBC squirrel. Maybe it’s because we appreciate an animal with smarts enough to make a feast of our leftovers. Or perhaps it’s because it’s impossible not to wonder what the little jokers are thinking as they scamper by. Which is why a springtime social media caption contest tempted so many Retrieverland imaginations. Congratulations to winner Jill Marie Timmons ’94, English, for her classic take on the student experience. See more squirrels and such on Instagram at @UMBCLife. You’d be nuts to miss out.

At Play – Spring 2017

Making a Case Just six years after its founding, the UMBC Mock Trial team is already taking the nation by storm. Having outperformed hundreds of other college and university teams since September, the team made a historic trip to the American Mock Trial Association’s National Championship Tournament in Los Angeles, California, in April, competing against a select group of only 48 teams from across the United States. UMBC received team and individual honors in L.A., including an honorable mention for the Spirit of AMTA award, for best display collegiality and fair play, and two All-American awards—the highest individual honor in… Continue Reading At Play – Spring 2017

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