All posts by: Sarah Hansen, M.S. '15

UMBC and University of Limpopo partner to grow research and exchange opportunities

On June 12, leaders from UMBC and the University of Limpopo in South Africa formalized commitments to collaborate through joint research as well as faculty and student exchanges. UMBC has steadily grown its international partnerships with universities in Germany, Japan, Portugal, Peru, and other nations around the globe. This is the first such agreement between UMBC and a university in Africa. Continue Reading UMBC and University of Limpopo partner to grow research and exchange opportunities

UMBC’s Eileen Meyer explains how big data is changing astronomy research

Recent research discovered thousands of black holes near the center of the Milky Way “by digging through old, long-archived data,” writes Eileen Meyer. “Astronomers are gathering an exponentially greater amount of data every day—so much that it will take years to uncover all the hidden signals buried in the archives.” Continue Reading UMBC’s Eileen Meyer explains how big data is changing astronomy research

Entrepreneurs Rising

Every day, UMBC researchers work tirelessly to make and build upon discoveries in their fields. For many, these successes lead to scientific publications, opportunities for further funding, or both. For some, however, a discovery is also the first step in a long and often winding pathway to entrepreneurship. Continue Reading Entrepreneurs Rising

UMBC’s Songon An discovers new molecular mechanism likely involved in cancer cell metastasis

For the first time, An and his students have determined a function of a particular signaling pathway associated with metastasis. “Looking at this metabolic switch—which pathways are in use during metastasis versus when the cell is attached—may be where our research goes in the future,” says An. Continue Reading UMBC’s Songon An discovers new molecular mechanism likely involved in cancer cell metastasis

NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program honors 18 UMBC students and alumni

The large number of honorees “shows the quality of student we have here at UMBC and what they’re doing,” says Keith Harmon, director of the Meyerhoff Scholars Program. “It also shows the quality of their research experiences at UMBC, and the commitment of the faculty to mentoring these students as undergraduates.” Continue Reading NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program honors 18 UMBC students and alumni

Jamshaid Shahir pursues research at the interface of math and biology through Ph.D. at UNC-Chapel Hill

“My time at UMBC has made me more resilient, learning from failure and overcoming it,” says Shahir. “I believe UMBC promotes a healthy balance between cooperation and competition that has motivated me to push myself harder, allowing me to grow as an aspiring scientist and a young adult.” Continue Reading Jamshaid Shahir pursues research at the interface of math and biology through Ph.D. at UNC-Chapel Hill

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