All posts by: Sarah Hansen, M.S. '15

scientist in tie-dye lab coat working at a lab bench

Partnership with biotech giant Genentech benefits UMBC graduate students

UMBC doctoral students are reaping the benefits of an innovative partnership between UMBC and biotech leader Genentech. In year three of a five-year program, six students have received financial support and started conducting research with the company through Genentech Fellowships. In addition, many more students have benefited from regular contact with Genentech senior scientists through their on-campus lecture series.  Continue Reading Partnership with biotech giant Genentech benefits UMBC graduate students

woman stands in front of glass wall, lab benches with purple chairs behind.

“Hidden” sex differences in neurological reward pathways suggest opportunity for improved psychiatric therapeutics

New research shows sex differences in how mice process rewarding stimuli, with implications for behavior. “If you want to understand susceptibility and develop better treatments, you have to understand the mechanisms at these synapses,” Tara LeGates says. “You have to understand what’s happening, and you have to understand it in each of the sexes.” Continue Reading “Hidden” sex differences in neurological reward pathways suggest opportunity for improved psychiatric therapeutics

STEM BUILD at UMBC leads to lasting institutional change, benefiting STEM students and beyond

To emphasize the inclusive reach of the program, the STEM BUILD motto is “500, not 50.” It was created to identify effective interventions that could be implemented at scale to support all STEM students at UMBC, and to find ways to continue those interventions beyond the existence of STEM BUILD. It has been wildly successful. Continue Reading STEM BUILD at UMBC leads to lasting institutional change, benefiting STEM students and beyond

portrait of student standing outside, wearing UMBC t-shirt

Max Hartley ’24: Enthusiastic quantum thermodynamics researcher

Maxfield Hartley ’24, physics, is an “exceptionally talented student with a truly inquisitive mind,” according to his mentor, Associate Professor Sebastian Deffner. Max’s thermodynamics research applying physical principles to music bends the mind, but leaves one wanting to know more—and his enthusiasm is contagious. Later this summer, Max is headed to an interdisciplinary and international doctoral program at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology in Okinawa, Japan. Continue Reading Max Hartley ’24: Enthusiastic quantum thermodynamics researcher

group photo of about 25 people on a wooden footbridge, green trees in the background

Month of Earth Day events culminates with 8th Annual Earth Day Symposium

This year, UMBC partnered with the EPA to host more events than ever before for Earth Day: a total of 18 throughout the month of April. “A tradition we are really proud of is that this event is 100 percent planned and implemented by our graduate students,” shared Zhibo Zhang about the concluding Earth Day Symposium. Continue Reading Month of Earth Day events culminates with 8th Annual Earth Day Symposium

two men shake hands, one holding a large folder, while another looks on between them

UMBC partners with American Statistical Association to organize annual African International Conference on Statistics

The African International Conference on Statistics, led by UMBC, is poised to enter a new era with support from the American Statistical Association. “Now we stand as partners with the world’s largest statistical association, the American Statistical Association,” Yehenew Kifle says. “This partnership with ASA lays the foundation for great optimism about a promising future for the AIC.” Continue Reading UMBC partners with American Statistical Association to organize annual African International Conference on Statistics

man stands on a stage in front of a large screen, which shows a modern, domain-based tree of life on the left, and the former "five kingdoms" understanding (with an X through it) on the right.

Inaugural CNMS Science Discovery Series hits the mark with community audience

The College of Natural and Mathematical Sciences (CNMS) hosted its first CNMS Science Discovery Series event on March 27. The goal of the series is to give back to the community by offering an opportunity for non-experts to learn about the research happening in their backyards, and it was a big success.  Continue Reading Inaugural CNMS Science Discovery Series hits the mark with community audience

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