All posts by: UMBC News Staff

Music To Market

UMBC professors are navigating the startup economy – and finding harmony between research and commerce. By Elizabeth Heubeck ’91 UMBC professor of music Linda Dusman found herself sitting next to UMBC President Freeman A. Hrabowski, III at a UMBC Orchestra concert in 2010. Between movements, she whispered snippets of background information about the music to one of the orchestra’s biggest fans. Because Dusman is a musical composer with a deeply ingrained respect for the traditions of classical concerts, the experience provided a rare “aha” moment. What if there was a way to convey real-time information about the music and its… Continue Reading Music To Market

Want to be a Pioneer?

Founding UMBC faculty across disciplines reflect on building a new public university. By Richard Byrne ’86 UMBC opened its doors on September 19, 1966. But as concrete was poured and red bricks were laid, founding chancellor Albin O. Kuhn and founding dean of faculty Homer Schamp were also recruiting faculty members for a new research institution. In a 1994 oral history interview conducted by Ed Orser, emeritus professor of American studies, Kuhn observed that adventure and ambition were his key selling points to recruits. “[T]hat was the thing we talked about a lot when we were trying to attract original… Continue Reading Want to be a Pioneer?

Up on the Roof – Summer 2016

UMBC President Freeman A. Hrabowski, III, takes your questions. The powerful connection between research and teaching has been a foundation to UMBC’s success. Why is this vital link so important to the university community? What makes this relationship special at UMBC? – Richard Byrne ’86, English When I talk with students and parents, or with donors, or with legislators about the uniqueness of UMBC, I invariably address the relationship between research and teaching at the university. People often want to know why research universities expect their faculty to teach fewer courses than faculty at comprehensive institutions or community colleges. Parents… Continue Reading Up on the Roof – Summer 2016

To You – Summer 2016

 My favorite part of this job is telling stories. Writing the story of our founding faculty in this issue is among the most enjoyable tales I’ve told so far. Some highlights for me: * Listening to Robert Burchard, emeritus professor of biology, talk about launching a research lab in the earliest days of the university, with basic equipment at UMBC and the use of more specialized equipment at USDA labs in Beltsville: “The most important thing in my toolkit was a microscope,” he said. “I was asking interesting questions. I adapted.” * Talking with Marilyn Demorest, emerita professor of psychology,… Continue Reading To You – Summer 2016

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