All posts by: Megan Hanks Mastrola

Three UMBC students receive Goldwater Scholarships, a national investment in future STEM leaders

“As a first generation college student, I feel extremely fortunate to be pursuing higher education, let alone a career in scientific research,” says Daniel Ocasio. “To me, earning the Goldwater Scholarship is recognition of all those who made it possible…” Continue Reading Three UMBC students receive Goldwater Scholarships, a national investment in future STEM leaders

PBS documentary features neuroscientist Kafui Dzirasa’s new approach to treating bipolar disorder

Kafui Dzirasa ’01 is featured in a PBS documentary that offers a glimpse into the lives of people with bipolar disorder. He is developing an electrical device that would stabilize a person’s mood without the side effects caused by medications. Continue Reading PBS documentary features neuroscientist Kafui Dzirasa’s new approach to treating bipolar disorder

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