All posts by: Megan Hanks Mastrola

UMBC’s Greg Szeto works to better predict patient responses to immunotherapy

The Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation awarded Szeto a research fellow grant to continue his work on immunotherapy, and develop experimental tests and computational models that can help physicians more accurately predict how individual patients will respond to a similar type of immunotherapy. Continue Reading UMBC’s Greg Szeto works to better predict patient responses to immunotherapy

Man in suit stands at podium that holds a glass trophy. Multicolored post-its stick to the wall behind him.

American Democracy Project honors UMBC’s Philip Rous for leadership in civic engagement

UMBC participants were involved with organizing and presenting sessions, tours, and special events throughout the Civic Learning and Democratic Engagement Meeting, which offered representatives from colleges and universities across the nation a chance to discuss forward-looking community-building and civic engagement strategies. Continue Reading American Democracy Project honors UMBC’s Philip Rous for leadership in civic engagement

Helena Mentis examines how activity trackers can inform treatment plans for patients with Parkinson’s disease

Helena Mentis is seeing results in new research using activity trackers to assess movement and inform treatment for patients with Parkinson’s disease, based in the finding that daily walking has been shown to benefit such patients. Continue Reading Helena Mentis examines how activity trackers can inform treatment plans for patients with Parkinson’s disease

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