All posts by: Catalina Sofia Dansberger Duque

A person with short blond curly hair, wearing a black blouse and blue cardigan, stands outside in front of a brick building financial fraud

The Academic Minute: The Long History of Financial Fraud

UMBC’s Amy Froide, professor of history, discusses the Charitable Corporation’s financial disaster of 1732. “The Charitable Corporation was notable in having a high proportion of female investors—35 percent of the funders in the 1700s were women,” Froide explains. “When the financial scandal came to light, it was these women who led activist shareholders to call for government compensation.” Continue Reading The Academic Minute: The Long History of Financial Fraud

An adult wearing a light blue collar shirt stands outside with black and gold banners and trees behind them. Hilltop Institute

Morgan Henderson of The Hilltop Institute at UMBC co-authors new research investigating the feasibility of price shopping for two common hospital services

Morgan Henderson, principal data scientist at The Hilltop Institute at UMBC, co-authors an article published in the Journal of the American Medical Association of Internal Medicine on pricing discrepancies at top hospitals. Continue Reading Morgan Henderson of The Hilltop Institute at UMBC co-authors new research investigating the feasibility of price shopping for two common hospital services

A woman with long curly brown hair wearing a green sweater stands outside with a red maple tree in the background. Arab

Creating Queer Arab Joy

“This book is my love letter to my unnamed queer Palestinian ancestors. It is the knowing glance, playful wink, and double entendre between us,” Mejdulene Bernard Shomali, assistant professor of gender, women’s, and sexuality studies, says about her new book Between Banat: Queer Arab Critique and Transnational Arab Archives. “It is the ways we call one another, not only for recognition and community but to action and movement toward a joyful and pleasurable queer Arab future.” Continue Reading Creating Queer Arab Joy

Two women talking outside of a red building.

Shared Stories, Shared Purpose

On a warm and bright sunny day in April when the trees in Baltimore City’s Patterson Park are changing from bright green buds to full leaf and the birds are competing with the car horns, Viridiana Colosio-Martinez ’22, modern languages, linguistics, and intercultural communication, and M.A. ’24, intercultural communication, waits in front of the Creative Alliance, a community and performance space a few blocks away from the park. After three years of undergraduate and graduate classes with her professor Tania Lizarazo, Colosio-Martinez is finally meeting her in person.  “I’m nervous and excited,” she says, waving to Lizarazo, associate professor of… Continue Reading Shared Stories, Shared Purpose

A mentor stands outside talking with a student about asking for help and community support with a building and trees in the background

Graduating students share how unexpected paths and community support got them to where they needed to be

“College can be a nerve-wracking and anxious experience, right? So when you have a question, or when you are feeling uncertain, when you are feeling overwhelmed, do me one favor,” said Joel DeWyer, director of campus life operations, encouraging students to find community support. “Find someone around you in your community and ask for help.” Continue Reading Graduating students share how unexpected paths and community support got them to where they needed to be

A student with light rimmed glasses and a red and white blouse stands outside with large cement arches behind her

Ready to take on the world, with tenacity and supportive community

Jennifer Boateng ’23, global studies, shares that a supportive community made it possible to manage the complex challenge of balancing college life and longer-term goals while dealing with sickle cell disease, even when taking classes in the hospital. Of faculty member Brigid Starkey, Boateng notes, “She helped me not to give up, even though it took me seven years to get to the finish line.” Continue Reading Ready to take on the world, with tenacity and supportive community

In the foreground and background two groups of two people stand in a crowded room talking.

Inclusion Imperative spotlights six years of innovation in community-engaged humanities research and teaching

“I firmly believe that the humanities offer us crucial tools for addressing pressing issues of civic life,” said Jessica Berman, director of UMBC’s Dresher Center, at the Center’s Inclusion Imperative six-year capstone event. “Now more than ever, we need the tools of the humanities to advance local and national conversations about our history, our identities, and our common future.” Continue Reading Inclusion Imperative spotlights six years of innovation in community-engaged humanities research and teaching

A science student with short brown hair, mustache, and beard wearing a yellow t-shirt about philosophy stands outside in front of a row of trees

A shift in plans leads to new opportunities, combining philosophy and science

Avi Newman ’23, biochemistry and molecular biology, biological sciences, and philosophy, appreciates his research advisor and other humanities and science faculty mentors, as well as his fellow students. He shares, “I am constantly inspired and invigorated by my amazing peers and friends” at UMBC. Continue Reading A shift in plans leads to new opportunities, combining philosophy and science

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