Donald Norris, Public Policy, in The Baltimore Sun, on WJZ 13

Published: Aug 8, 2014

Public Policy Professor and Chair Donald Norris was recently quoted in The Baltimore Sun about the Maryland governor’s race and Dr. Joshua M. Sharfstein’s announcement that he is leaving his post as secretary of the state Department of Health and Mental Hygiene as the O’Malley administration ends.

Donald Norris UMBC

An article published August 2 titled, “Brown, Hogan sharply divided on child immigration,” highlights the stark contrast in positions on the issue between Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown and his Republican opponent Larry Hogan, who has said the state shouldn’t do anything to make it easier for children who have entered the country illegally to come to Maryland.

Norris said that Hogan ran as arguably the most moderate candidate in the Republican primary and won convincingly: “He doesn’t need to take this kind of hard-line position,” Norris said. “Where he’s hurting himself here is in the middle, where he needs the votes.”

In the article about Health Secretary Sharfstein’s announcement, Norris said he expects changes in leadership to take place as the current administration winds down: “I expect we’ll be seeing this from nearly all department heads in next few weeks and few months,” said Norris. “I don’t know that any of them will necessarily be retained.” You can read the full version of both articles below.

Brown, Hogan sharply divided on child immigration (Baltimore Sun)
Health Secretary Sharfstein to join Hopkins (Baltimore Sun)

WJZ 13 ran a story on August 8 about the governor’s race and a new YouTube ad that was launched by Republican candidate Larry Hogan attacking Democratic candidate Anthony Brown on tax increases, unemployment rates, and the state’s business climate. Norris was interviewed for the story and said, “I expect to see a good bit of attacking. I also expect the Brown campaign to attack right back.” You can watch the story here.

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