John Rennie Short, Public Policy, on Writer’s Voice

Published: Apr 11, 2014

John Rennie ShortAs part of Environment Month at Writer’s Voice, a national radio show and podcast featuring author interviews, readings, and reviews, Public Policy Professor John Rennie Short was interviewed about his recent book, Stress Testing the USA (Palgrave MacMillan). In his book, Short applies the stress test concept to four major events the United States experienced at the start of the 21st century: the invasion of Iraq, the financial meltdown, Hurricane Katrina and the BP oil spill.

“These four major events are the equivalent of an incredible cardiovascular workout for the United States where you saw things that didn’t work so well. When everything is going along well, there is economic growth, and things are progressing and everyone is happy, the system is self-justified,” Short said.

“But when things go wrong, that’s when it reveals things that often we don’t want to discuss or are hidden below the surface,” he added.

To listen to the full interview on Writer’s Voice, click here. The interview was scheduled to air on Writer’s Voice broadcast stations across the country throughout the week of April 7.

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