Winter 2013 Commencement Ceremonies

Published: Oct 7, 2013

We will have two ceremonies this December in the Retriever Activities Center (RAC):

These commencement ceremonies are important events in the life of our scholarly community where we come together to celebrate the accomplishments of our students and recognize the outstanding commitment of our faculty and staff to their success. These events mean a great deal to our graduating students, their parents and guests. I hope you will make a special effort to attend these events, to share this special time with our students and join in our community’s celebration of academic achievement.

RSVP PROCESS: There is a single Web-based response form for faculty and staff to respond, whether you rent, purchase or already own your regalia.

ORDERING REGALIA: As in the past, UMBC will subsidize the rental of academic regalia for faculty and administrative and associate staff. Please order your regalia by October 28, 2013. After that date, you will be asked to pay a late charge of $25. Please note that it will not be possible to order regalia after December 6. Even if there is only a slight chance that you will attend Commencement, you should order regalia. It is easier for the Bookstore to return unused gowns and hoods then it is to place a late order and not get delivery on time. Regalia will be ready for pick-up in the Bookstore beginning December 9 through December 16. Regalia will not be available for pick-up at the RAC.

RSVP FOR MARCHING IN THE PROCESSION: Even if you do not order regalia, we need to know whether you intend to march in the Commencement procession, so that appropriate seating arrangements can be made.
