Upal Ghosh, CBEE, Receives AAEES Award

Published: Apr 27, 2015

Upal Ghosh, chemical, biochemical and environmental engineering, received an award from the American Academy of Environmental Engineering and Sciences (AAEES) last week. The AAEES awards recognize individuals and organizations who have made contributions to environmental engineering, environmental science, and public health/environmental protection.

Upal Students AAEES-award-2015Ghosh received an Honor Award in the category of University Research for his work with developing in-situ remediation technology using activated carbon amendment to sediment. CBEE graduate students Hilda Fadaei Khoei and Eli Patmont were also recognized for their contributions to the project. Ghosh has used the technology, named SediMite in his work with the Delaware Department of Natural Resources to remediate Mirror Lake. The Mirror Lake project was also recognized by the AAEES, receving an Honor Award in the Small Projects category.

Click here to read more about Ghosh’s work in remediation technology and here to learn more about the Mirror Lake project.

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