UMBC Launches New Research@UMBC Website

Published: Sep 18, 2014

researchsiteUMBC’s Office of the Vice President for Research has launched a new website to increase awareness of UMBC’s research activity and to provide enhanced access to campus-wide resources that support research and grant-related activities.

“This new window into the innovative discoveries and creations of the UMBC community will empower students, faculty and staff by ensuring their accomplishments reach a broader audience within the campus community and beyond. It will also act as a consolidated portal to events and resources provided by UMBC to better position all of our scholars to advance their fields of study,” stated Vice President for Research Karl Steiner.

To subscribe to the news and events, which appear on the front page of the site, visitors can join the Office of the Vice President for Research myUMBC group. The site itself can be bookmarked at
