UMBC joins innovative ACE Internationalization Lab, expanding commitment to global engagement

Published: Nov 20, 2018

UMBC is expanding and deepening its long-term commitment to internationalization as a member of the American Council on Education (ACE) Internationalization Laboratory program. UMBC is one of just 12 higher education institutions nationwide to participate in the 16th cohort of this selective program, which supports universities in broadening internationally-focused strategies.

“This is a tremendous, unmatched opportunity for these institutions to share lessons and challenges as they undergo a cultural transformation over the coming months,” said Robin Matross Helms, director of ACE’s Center for Internationalization and Global Engagement.

Over the next 16 months, faculty and staff will work in leadership teams to develop strategic plans for the future of research, learning, working, and living in a fully global campus. UMBC will share its unique perspective with other universities in the cohort and take part in a series of opportunities to gain insight into how other institutions are implementing their strategic plans for internationalization.

Each participating institution’s strategic process will be led by an ACE lab advisor and coach. UMBC will work with Anthony Pinder, assistant vice president of academic affairs, internationalization and global engagement, at Emerson College. His first visit to UMBC will be on December 13.

“UMBC’s participation in this year’s cohort of the ACE Internationalization Laboratory is a key component in our work to create the university’s first-ever internationalization roadmap,” shares Tony Moreira, vice provost for academic affairs. “Given today’s global landscape for higher education, universities need to implement international, intercultural, and global elements in all areas of the institution to ensure that they stay relevant and continue to provide a high-quality education to all students.”

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