UMBC Flag Football Heads to National Championship

Published: Dec 11, 2007

Flag Football Heads to National Championship

In a year of athletic achievements on the varsity level, it is only fitting that success on the intramural level would follow. On the heels of a quarterfinal appearance in the NCAA tournament by the men’s lacrosse team and the first-ever NCAA March Madness appearance by the women’s basketball team, one of UMBC’s co-ed flag football teams is advancing to the NIRSA National Championship in Dallas, Texas.

Winning the UMBC Championship the last two years, the Warrior Machine participated in the NIRSA Mid-Atlantic Regional flag football tournament this fall. Being defending champions was not a prerequisite for the Mid-Atlantic tournament, however, UMBC wanted to send its strongest team for the school’s third appearance. The Warrior Machine picked up a couple of players from other UMBC teams to round out their roster at 15, assuming the name UMBC Warriors.

After two days of play, the Warriors outlasted 14 other coed teams, defeating local rival the University of Maryland College Park, on their home field, for the right to compete in the National Championship in January. Historically, the team that wins the Mid-Atlantic Regional makes an impressive showing in the National Championship. “During the third day of the tournament we had to play three games; it became a battle of condition and will. The games were significantly longer and more physically taxing putting a stronger emphasis on preparation and warm-ups,” said Joe Palmer, team captain and quarterback.

With a team comprised exclusively of juniors and seniors, it is not always easy to find time outside of academics for flag football. But the team members have played alongside one another most of their time at UMBC. “Each of us wants to be a part of this and not finding a way to make time for the team is potentially letting down 14 other people,” senior Alex Pyles said.

Though members of the team are actively involved in many other campus organizations ranging from the Golden Key Honor Society to the SGA to The Retriever Weekly, the members are focusing their efforts on fundraising for their trip to Dallas. They are currently selling tickets to win massages and plan to do their third 50/50 raffle at the December 22 men’s basketball game against Hampton.

Eager to take the field on a national stage, Pyles said, “we will proudly take the field at the University of Texas, Dallas in black and gold, four letters visible on our chest: UMBC. We are proudly taking the name of the university that we have called home with us.”

For more information on the team, e-mail Joe Palmer at



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