UMBC Alumnae in Daily Record’s 2014 Leading Women

Published: Dec 12, 2014

15365064460_649cdd1abb_zErin Appel ’00, political science, Erin O’Keefe ’10 M.P.P, public policy, and Angela Scott ’99, interdisciplinary studies, are among the 2014 Leading Women Winners. Leading Women honors women age 40 or younger for their career accomplishments. They were chosen for their professional experience, community involvement and a commitment to inspiring change.

Appel is a senior government relations associate for Capitol Strategies LLC and a court appointed special advocate who mentors a 17 year old boy in a residential treatment facility. O’Keefe is the director of the York Road Initiative, which addresses economic, physical and human needs along the Yong Road cooridor. Scott is an attorney and advisor for the U.S. Department of Health & Human Serices and was elected to the Maryland State Democratic Central Committee in 2010.

Click here to read more about the Leading Women winners.

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