Times Higher Education recognizes UMBC as a top world university in 2015-16 rankings

Published: Oct 1, 2015

Times Higher Education (THE) has named UMBC one of world’s top universities for the fourth consecutive year.

THE World University Rankings “judge world class universities across all of their core missions—teaching, research, knowledge transfer and international outlook,” utilizing metrics in 13 categories.

THE World University RankingsThe 2015-16 list of top 800 global universities includes 147 in the United States and highlights three in Maryland: UMBC, Johns Hopkins University, and the University of Maryland, College Park. Universities in the United Kingdom, Germany, the Netherlands, and Switzerland were also well represented in the 2015-16 list.

In addition to the World University Rankings, UMBC has appeared in Times Higher Education‘s “100 Under 50” ranking for four consecutive years — one of seven U.S. universities to be recognized this year.

THE’s “100 Under 50” ranks the top 100 universities worldwide under 50 years old. Editor Phil Baty has noted that universities on the list “are a truly exciting and dynamic group of institutions which should serve as a lesson to the rest of the world – that the traditional global world order is not unassailable and visionary young universities can break through.”

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