
Three people pose for camera in front of brick building. Large window reflects the trees.

From solar energy harvesting to advanced batteries: Cohort of new engineering faculty bolster UMBC’s commitment to Earth-friendly research

This April 22, as the campus community celebrated Earth Day, the feel of spring’s natural reawakening was in the air. Birds chirped from newly leafed trees and students strolled in the bright sunshine. But the pleasant day belied a concerning trend: In Maryland and beyond, the balance of Earth’s life-supporting systems is shifting, driven in large part by the heat-trapping greenhouse gasses we humans send into the atmosphere. The Earth is getting hotter; weather patterns are changing; and ecosystems are under stress.  “Climate change is pressing us to adopt a more Earth-friendly lifestyle, to develop renewable energy,” says Özgür Çapraz,… Continue Reading From solar energy harvesting to advanced batteries: Cohort of new engineering faculty bolster UMBC’s commitment to Earth-friendly research

group photo of three women in overalls holding plants, indoors

Sustainability Fellow Isabel Dastvan ’22 grows her career and invasive species management at UMBC

Throughout the 2022 – 2023 academic year, Isabel Dastvan completed on-the-ground surveys, created maps of invasive species on campus, identified the most urgent invasive threats, and determined the best ways to combat their spread. The end result is a 187-page, comprehensive Invasive Species Management Plan for UMBC. Continue Reading Sustainability Fellow Isabel Dastvan ’22 grows her career and invasive species management at UMBC

Major UMBC stream restoration will enhance ecosystems, stormwater management, and the community experience

“This project will not only create and enhance wetland and stream habitats and functions, it will also provide recreational enhancements such as walking trails with stream access and connection to other existing trails,” says Lenn Caron. “The restored stream will elevate UMBC’s aesthetic appeal and provide a pleasant natural environment for members of the campus and local community for recreation, exercise and watershed education.” Continue Reading Major UMBC stream restoration will enhance ecosystems, stormwater management, and the community experience

UMBC to build on success in shrinking carbon footprint through updated Climate Action Plan

“Although UMBC has made significant progress in reducing its carbon footprint, it is clear that our carbon neutrality goals need to be more aggressive,” says Lenn Caron. A new climate action plan will define those goals with input from students, faculty, and staff. Continue Reading UMBC to build on success in shrinking carbon footprint through updated Climate Action Plan

Career Q&A: Research Assistant Allison Kelly ’12, Chemistry

Every so often, we’ll chat with an alum about what they do and how they got there. Today we’re talking with research assistant Allison Kelly ‘12, Chemistry, about her current research project.  Name: Allison Kelly Job Title: Research Assistant, PhD Candidate Major/Minor: Chemistry, Writing Grad year: 2012   Q: What drew you to UMBC for your studies? When I stumbled onto the UMBC website I was greeted by the words: “The school where it’s cool to be smart.”  I wanted a local college that valued academics, and UMBC seemed to fit that bill. During the course of my studies, I grew to love the focus on scholarship… Continue Reading Career Q&A: Research Assistant Allison Kelly ’12, Chemistry

Windfall Prophets

UMBC is at the center of Maryland’s growing  efforts to harness the energy of the wind. Ocean City is the Maryland destination most associated with the summer. But some- day the resort may also be known for a nearby wind farm that could help the state put a dent in its greenhouse gas emissions and the rising costs of generating power. Both this summer and last summer, UMBC scientists, using a remote sensing technology called LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging), have been helping the state of Maryland in wind resource assessment efforts to develop the state’s wind energy farms in… Continue Reading Windfall Prophets

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